Wednesday, September 06, 2006


So my best friend Kristin who is a nut bar, has driven to complete distraction to start a blog! I had to put down my peanut butter toast to write this as she has spent the better part of her evening setting up this site so that I would use it! She truly is one of a kind! She is really more like a sister but when I say that to some people they get a weird look on their face like what!?! I think some people just don't appreciate family. But then again sometimes I deny I am related to my in-laws. Oops I just said that outloud. God forgive me, but actually HE totally understands, I complain to him constantly. Kristin really is my FEMALE other half. I only want to sleep with my wonderful husband but I could totally spend the rest of my life on an island laughing my a** off with her with a completely stocked fridge/freezer and pantry. I go nowhere without the promise of good food and company. In that order, sorry folks! So I guess I should explain the food title of my blog. Well, the truth is I'm a food addict, well I don't overeat, but I dream of Oprah's power so that I could have her kitchen and personal chef so that all my meals could be a smorgasborg of what I am craving in that instant. Like right now I am wishing for an In and Out Burger, a mudpie, some sushi, an orange, peanut butter with celery. Basically my sister thinks my gravestone should read it was ALL ABOUT THE FOOD. So there you have my first entry. Talk to you soon.

What's For Dinner? at 9:36 PM


4 Now We're Cookin!

at 10:34 PM Blogger What's For Dinner? said...

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at 10:35 PM Blogger Gingers Mom said...

I love you, you are fabulous. I am so excited. Finally, another convert....

at 4:51 PM Blogger Miss Kelly said...

Way to go Shana! I love it - it's great.
Hmmm...In and Out think it would do well if you and I opened up the first Canadian In & Out?
Move over White Spot...

at 7:48 PM Blogger What's For Dinner? said...

As far as I'm concerned white spot isn't even in the running compared to In and Out! And let's face it they are so expensive Now. It's crazy.


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