Monday, September 11, 2006

MIL'S where do they get off!

Okay so between Kristin and I we have the separated at birth MIL's from hell. And yes, I said that out loud! They are rude, disrespectful and discipline our children when we are standing right there and are speaking to them. I have never been rude to her but on more occasions than I can count she has been unbelievably rude to me.

SO we are trying to get a jump on the holidays and plan Christmas, as it is always a hassle. We want it at our house this year so that the kids have more space and my widget 2 who is only 18 months can sleep in her own bed at naptime. DO NOT TOUCH, that is all they hear at her house. PUT THAT DOWN. We all are cramped into a small livingroom and nobody enjoys eachother's company. When it's at her house she is in charge, her food, her plan, her everything. She is a complete control freak. I break the rules every year by bringing a sweet potato pie for dinner, I can't help it I like it. But she doesn't want me to cook, she just wants to have everyone say she is fantastic at everything. But my husband and my FIL always ask me to go fix the gravy or do the vegetables. She makes liquidy whitish looking wholewheat gravy. It's awful!!!! And the vegetables fall apart when you try to fork them. Maybe I'm just picky but I want broccoli to still be green. Not just the water in the pot. I mean is that too much to ask. And then there is My family who are have enough food to feed a small country okay maybe a large country and it's incredible. We have a full dessert buffet, not just one pie or trifle. It's amazing.

So Timmy and I have decided that either she starts to respect us and our rules (we have alcohol at our house-she is vehemently opposed among other things!) or she gets asked to leave. Thank goodness I have a husband who supports me. We don't fight about her, we just try to avoid her but she WON'T leave. Two times last week she phoned and said "I just have to pop by for a minute" and she stayed over 2 hours each time. What is that about. I have tried everything to have her leave but to no avail. I am taking suggestions if you have any??? If I didn't love being around my family and where I live I would totally move, maybe to Hawaii, no I burn. Maybe to Europe, sure there are plenty of places to hide and she can't drive there and she won't spend the money to fly. Okay that's it, all those hiding from horrifyingly awful MIL's we are off to Europe. ALL ABOARD!

What's For Dinner? at 11:19 PM


2 Now We're Cookin!

at 9:17 AM Blogger Gingers Mom said...

I have more gruesome ideas of what to do with them...
Boundaries boundaries boundaries. Can't se enough of them with MIL like that. Too bad we were dealt such raw deals...

at 2:38 PM Blogger Gingers Mom said...

Ummm...hello? Shany??


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