Saturday, January 13, 2007

The beginning of a New Year!

Wow, I never meant to take so long to post! SO much has happened in the last few months.

My sister got married, she was a beautiful bride. My children, widget 1 and 2 were both in the wedding. Picture 18months and 4 years and mommy and daddy in the wedding all the while mommy is doing many heads of hair. CRAZY. But it was fun and worth it to see the joy on my sister's face. She is three years younger but we are very close and alike in weird ways but polar opposites in other ways.

All fall it seemed my children were so sick with every bug imaginable or so it seemed. My now 5 year old had a major ear infection which forced us to have her checked out by a specialist and Thank you Lord all is well. My little princess took so long to get over the cold I thought it might never leave my house. But such is life with children.

Then I worked my butt off doing hair and listening to all the woes of everyone's holiday plans. The mother-in-law stories, the present hunt nightmares, the debate over whether to give gift cards or not. Yes, I heard about all of them. Some people I look forward to visiting with while others, I would rather stab my scissors right into their ear!!! DID I say that out loud. OOPS!

Then their was our family Christmas. We had the in-laws over for Christmas Eve which is always a fiasco as I have mentioned I am the anti-Christ! I fussed making and preparing many appies inlieu of a full dinner (per my hubby's request) and they showed up late and left early and didn't really comment on their gifts. 9 years later one would think I learned but no! But at least as in all that is important in my life I had lots of leftover appies. Which were fabulous I have to say!!!
Then Christmas Day my family came for Breakfast my favourite part of Christmas! We had wonderful food, opened presents and just enjoyed eachother. It always makes be feel so blessed to have a husband I love and 2 beautiful girls and parents and a sister and brother in law I adore!!! After this we were planning on heading to my aunt's for a big family dinner but alas my children were ill again. But their is always next year!

So far this year is flying by. It is already the 13th before you know it, it will be Valentines Day!
I promise to blog much more frequently, I'm sure my bestest friend will sleep better at night knowing!

What's For Dinner? at 8:16 PM


2 Now We're Cookin!

at 9:56 PM Blogger Sean Carter said...

Well the new year is here and i'm sure all of us had a wonderful start...and lets all hope that the year is filled with happiness and prosperity for every one of us....and many congratulations to your sister who got's a lovely moment...and hey since the season of love and romance is coming up shortly i'd like you to visit my love blog sometime and enjoy some of the love and romance of the season!!!

at 9:58 AM Blogger Gingers Mom said...

This Christmas was a tough one to get through. I am glad Caity is ok. I am glad you posted again. Don't wait another 3 months to do it again!!! I love you!


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