Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Blood in the Water

What is it about the elderly starting to do poorly that brings out the a**holes in families who are after the inheritance?? I just don't get it, it's not yours, you have no claim on it and back the hell off!!! My grandmother recently spent 10days in the hospital and has mini strokes usually brought on by not sleeping for a couple of days or stressing. I had the adventure of calling the ambulance when she just took too long to right herself and was searching through the kitchen for her pants. But since then her sisters who are nutbars to put it lightly have taken it upon themselves to call my dad and ask for a family meeting to make decisions for her. UGH, excuse me but who the hell do you think you are. They even thought we should add another executor to the will instead of just my Dad! Excuse me but that is her decision not yours. Honestly Greed is such an ugly thing.

My grandmother has an up to date will and has given both my dad and I clear instructions. The family knows this but still figure they know the appropriate way to handle her finances. If all this isn't bad enough we are now finding that this stroke has really affected her memory. Each one can lower her short term memory but this time it just seems to be really affected. It's sad and it feels like the end of a chapter and that makes me feel very sad for her and my children who are just getting to know the strength and beauty she possesses behind her smile! Every time I think of someone wanting to take advantage of her I want to beat them to a pulp or kick them in the mouth.

Our grandparents teach us so much in life and I have been lucky enough to enjoy so many moments with mine. And now my children are apart of their lives and that is so incredible to see 4 generations of women on my mom's side of the family is so cool! To all of you who have wonderful grandparents still alive give them a call or hug and tell them you love them, they are so precious!!!!

What's For Dinner? at 9:26 PM


1 Now We're Cookin!

at 8:40 AM Blogger Gingers Mom said...

I don't know what it is about money that brings out such ugliness, but it does so often. I think it is gross. Thank goodness your grandma thought ahead and had everything arranged. How is your dad taking it all?


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