Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentines!

I've never been the biggest Valentines Day person which is odd considering I can cry at telephone commercials and hate movies without Happy Endings. But alas, we still do something usually on other days, but lately we've done very inexpensive but meaningful gifts. Last year hubby and I wrote new vows to eachother, 2 years before that I wrote 100 reasons why I Love you. It wasn't as hard as I thought and it didn't take very long at all. That was the best gift I've given him in my opinion, he may disagree! I think he prefers a little massage and wine and time in our bedroom! Ha. Anyway, I do more for Valentines now that we have kids, she needs cupcakes for school, Valentines for 20 kids at school, Valentines for her program through our church. It's never ending! But it's fun when you see it through their eyes and you remember the excitement of seeing who gave you which Valentine. HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY EVERYONE!

What's For Dinner? at 7:29 AM


Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Countin' my Blessings!

God is so great!! I just need to take a minute and count my blessings actually we've experience many miracles! My hubby and I have been married for 6 years and while it's been a wonderful ride we have hit many a speedbumps. Our first major blessing was a shock to find out that we were pregnant unexpectedly after 7 months of marriage. We quickly got over the shock and then were hit with her 5 week early birth which was an emergency c-section brought on by HELLP syndrome. So that brings me to our 2nd and 3rd miracles, our daughter was ALIVE and healthy and so was I. Thank you LORD! Then fastforward 11 months and my husband had an accident at work and fell on loose gravel and was fixed up with emergency ankle surgery, blessing #4. Then we fast forward 13 months and my husband had a MAJOR accident at work and the short version is he almost lost his leg, miracle #5 and then he almost died 7 days later when he lost so much blood, miracle #6. When you get through his 9 surgeries in 2 weeks at the hospital and his 3 more weeks recovering in the hospital and months and months more and more surgeries while at home I have honestly lost count how many miracles because they really are miracles God has blessed my little family with. A year and a half after his accident we had our second daughter and while it was less traumatic I still had complications and I believe without God guiding my midwives and surgeon things would have turned out different. Now it is almost 2 years later and we are finally starting to move on after the trauma and anger and just general life changing experience this has been. But all in all I feel like everytime I pray, I have been so blessed that I am still shocked that there are still people in this world who don't see God's presence and love and his everyday MIRACLES. They are all around us, you just have to pay attention. They are in our pregnacies, our marriages, our friendships, the way our children laugh, their first steps, the way people pull together in emergencies. My best friend is one of the best gifts God has blessed me with. After spending more years separated by a border than together, we are closer now than when were children. If any of you have heard Martina McBride's song 'Blessed' that is how I feel about my life. It's far from perfect, but what is that??? I don't think it exists, I love my God, my husband, my children my family and my friends and I think that is my definition of Blessed! The last few years have been anything but easy but I don't think I would trade them, I have grown and learnt so much about life and people and most definitely about God and love.

What's For Dinner? at 9:58 PM
