Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentines!

I've never been the biggest Valentines Day person which is odd considering I can cry at telephone commercials and hate movies without Happy Endings. But alas, we still do something usually on other days, but lately we've done very inexpensive but meaningful gifts. Last year hubby and I wrote new vows to eachother, 2 years before that I wrote 100 reasons why I Love you. It wasn't as hard as I thought and it didn't take very long at all. That was the best gift I've given him in my opinion, he may disagree! I think he prefers a little massage and wine and time in our bedroom! Ha. Anyway, I do more for Valentines now that we have kids, she needs cupcakes for school, Valentines for 20 kids at school, Valentines for her program through our church. It's never ending! But it's fun when you see it through their eyes and you remember the excitement of seeing who gave you which Valentine. HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY EVERYONE!

What's For Dinner? at 7:29 AM


4 Now We're Cookin!

at 2:13 PM Blogger Gingers Mom said...

I realized I was a totally lame mom when Red brought home her Valentine bag. Most of the other kids gave candy and stuff. We just did the cards. Who knew you are supposed to do gifts and candy now??
I have always loved V day. Even if we don't do much. I miss you!

at 10:28 PM Blogger What's For Dinner? said...

I know, it's crazy!! This year, for kindergarten I thought I was the cool mom cause I sent hersey kisses for each kid, nope I gave the lamest thing in the class. They had boxes of assorted candies, bags of treats, homemade cookies, purdy's suckers. It was NUTS, like hello, they are 5 for heaven's sake. NUTTY parents. Exactly who knew.

at 5:00 PM Blogger Gingers Mom said...

Hello????!?!?!?!?! Valentine's was EONS ago. I am feeling neglected.

at 4:14 PM Blogger Gingers Mom said...

You are well on your way to being shunned even by me in the blogosphere.


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