Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentines!

I've never been the biggest Valentines Day person which is odd considering I can cry at telephone commercials and hate movies without Happy Endings. But alas, we still do something usually on other days, but lately we've done very inexpensive but meaningful gifts. Last year hubby and I wrote new vows to eachother, 2 years before that I wrote 100 reasons why I Love you. It wasn't as hard as I thought and it didn't take very long at all. That was the best gift I've given him in my opinion, he may disagree! I think he prefers a little massage and wine and time in our bedroom! Ha. Anyway, I do more for Valentines now that we have kids, she needs cupcakes for school, Valentines for 20 kids at school, Valentines for her program through our church. It's never ending! But it's fun when you see it through their eyes and you remember the excitement of seeing who gave you which Valentine. HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY EVERYONE!

What's For Dinner? at 7:29 AM


Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Countin' my Blessings!

God is so great!! I just need to take a minute and count my blessings actually we've experience many miracles! My hubby and I have been married for 6 years and while it's been a wonderful ride we have hit many a speedbumps. Our first major blessing was a shock to find out that we were pregnant unexpectedly after 7 months of marriage. We quickly got over the shock and then were hit with her 5 week early birth which was an emergency c-section brought on by HELLP syndrome. So that brings me to our 2nd and 3rd miracles, our daughter was ALIVE and healthy and so was I. Thank you LORD! Then fastforward 11 months and my husband had an accident at work and fell on loose gravel and was fixed up with emergency ankle surgery, blessing #4. Then we fast forward 13 months and my husband had a MAJOR accident at work and the short version is he almost lost his leg, miracle #5 and then he almost died 7 days later when he lost so much blood, miracle #6. When you get through his 9 surgeries in 2 weeks at the hospital and his 3 more weeks recovering in the hospital and months and months more and more surgeries while at home I have honestly lost count how many miracles because they really are miracles God has blessed my little family with. A year and a half after his accident we had our second daughter and while it was less traumatic I still had complications and I believe without God guiding my midwives and surgeon things would have turned out different. Now it is almost 2 years later and we are finally starting to move on after the trauma and anger and just general life changing experience this has been. But all in all I feel like everytime I pray, I have been so blessed that I am still shocked that there are still people in this world who don't see God's presence and love and his everyday MIRACLES. They are all around us, you just have to pay attention. They are in our pregnacies, our marriages, our friendships, the way our children laugh, their first steps, the way people pull together in emergencies. My best friend is one of the best gifts God has blessed me with. After spending more years separated by a border than together, we are closer now than when were children. If any of you have heard Martina McBride's song 'Blessed' that is how I feel about my life. It's far from perfect, but what is that??? I don't think it exists, I love my God, my husband, my children my family and my friends and I think that is my definition of Blessed! The last few years have been anything but easy but I don't think I would trade them, I have grown and learnt so much about life and people and most definitely about God and love.

What's For Dinner? at 9:58 PM


Friday, January 26, 2007

Internet hell!

My husband and I decided to switch internet providers in an effort to minimize our monthly bills! While I am glad we are doing that I have to admit I get caught up in all the techno crap. But I figured okay, phone up the new company (there isn't many options in Canada) and get the info, book an appt (to hook up the new modem) and presto I am done. What I didn't bank on was everyone having an opinion. I tried to cancel the old provider and it turned into a plea for us to stay. He kept offering a lower price, more rebates a Amex with money to spend, so I started waffling. Maybe we shouldn't switch. Meanwhile the new modem was installed and the new company figured I was all theirs. So I decided to pit one against the other and see what the new company would say. Well, the not so polite woman mentioned something like "he's just throwing money at you, can't you understand that", yes duh!!! But I like having money, don't you? To which she replied "in the long run you will spend more in the 3 year contract and so it would be unwise and ofcourse the service is not as good....." Somewhere in there I almost dozed off. SO trying to be the savvy business woman I am I researched the two providers and compared and the new provider was better and right about the money. DAMN! I wanted to shop at Costco!! So I called to cancel the old one and got an earful until I finally said "well it's my money and my choice and if I'm a moron for switching it'll be my fault! SO dammit just cut off my services!" See I'm really in control in my world. At least I pretend to be.

Have a great weekend!

What's For Dinner? at 8:25 PM


Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Blood in the Water

What is it about the elderly starting to do poorly that brings out the a**holes in families who are after the inheritance?? I just don't get it, it's not yours, you have no claim on it and back the hell off!!! My grandmother recently spent 10days in the hospital and has mini strokes usually brought on by not sleeping for a couple of days or stressing. I had the adventure of calling the ambulance when she just took too long to right herself and was searching through the kitchen for her pants. But since then her sisters who are nutbars to put it lightly have taken it upon themselves to call my dad and ask for a family meeting to make decisions for her. UGH, excuse me but who the hell do you think you are. They even thought we should add another executor to the will instead of just my Dad! Excuse me but that is her decision not yours. Honestly Greed is such an ugly thing.

My grandmother has an up to date will and has given both my dad and I clear instructions. The family knows this but still figure they know the appropriate way to handle her finances. If all this isn't bad enough we are now finding that this stroke has really affected her memory. Each one can lower her short term memory but this time it just seems to be really affected. It's sad and it feels like the end of a chapter and that makes me feel very sad for her and my children who are just getting to know the strength and beauty she possesses behind her smile! Every time I think of someone wanting to take advantage of her I want to beat them to a pulp or kick them in the mouth.

Our grandparents teach us so much in life and I have been lucky enough to enjoy so many moments with mine. And now my children are apart of their lives and that is so incredible to see 4 generations of women on my mom's side of the family is so cool! To all of you who have wonderful grandparents still alive give them a call or hug and tell them you love them, they are so precious!!!!

What's For Dinner? at 9:26 PM


Saturday, January 13, 2007

The beginning of a New Year!

Wow, I never meant to take so long to post! SO much has happened in the last few months.

My sister got married, she was a beautiful bride. My children, widget 1 and 2 were both in the wedding. Picture 18months and 4 years and mommy and daddy in the wedding all the while mommy is doing many heads of hair. CRAZY. But it was fun and worth it to see the joy on my sister's face. She is three years younger but we are very close and alike in weird ways but polar opposites in other ways.

All fall it seemed my children were so sick with every bug imaginable or so it seemed. My now 5 year old had a major ear infection which forced us to have her checked out by a specialist and Thank you Lord all is well. My little princess took so long to get over the cold I thought it might never leave my house. But such is life with children.

Then I worked my butt off doing hair and listening to all the woes of everyone's holiday plans. The mother-in-law stories, the present hunt nightmares, the debate over whether to give gift cards or not. Yes, I heard about all of them. Some people I look forward to visiting with while others, I would rather stab my scissors right into their ear!!! DID I say that out loud. OOPS!

Then their was our family Christmas. We had the in-laws over for Christmas Eve which is always a fiasco as I have mentioned I am the anti-Christ! I fussed making and preparing many appies inlieu of a full dinner (per my hubby's request) and they showed up late and left early and didn't really comment on their gifts. 9 years later one would think I learned but no! But at least as in all that is important in my life I had lots of leftover appies. Which were fabulous I have to say!!!
Then Christmas Day my family came for Breakfast my favourite part of Christmas! We had wonderful food, opened presents and just enjoyed eachother. It always makes be feel so blessed to have a husband I love and 2 beautiful girls and parents and a sister and brother in law I adore!!! After this we were planning on heading to my aunt's for a big family dinner but alas my children were ill again. But their is always next year!

So far this year is flying by. It is already the 13th before you know it, it will be Valentines Day!
I promise to blog much more frequently, I'm sure my bestest friend will sleep better at night knowing!

What's For Dinner? at 8:16 PM


Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Put the NIPPLES Away!

Okay so I've been a hairstylist for 9 years, which of course means I am also known as a counsellor, friend, confidant, and general advice giver! So over the course of the 9 years I have heard it all. You is cheating, who wants to cheat, who was cheating, I've wiped tears over loved ones, chatted to teens about loser boyfriends/girlfriends. Helped brides prepare for weddings, complained about Mother in Laws, bitchy coworkers, union issues, you name it I've discussed it. I've even had a client who wanted blonde highlights change her mind becaue her spouse said no more bedroom activities unless you are a brunette! (A**hole!) But today September 18th, 2006 takes the cake! A recent bride was in for a haircut and mentioned she had budoir photos done for hubby. Very cute idea, I've done it myself. However, not only did I hear how she was posed and the full details of the shots but at the end of the painful appt, she grabs her cellphone and ladies/gentlemen there were her nipples in full color! I recoiled in shock but to her it must have been a sign I needed to see more because she scrolled through them and kept showing them to me! Okay enough, my eyes, my poor eyes. Just so we are clear that is NOT my area of expertise. Who in there bloody right mind shows people that. I mean honestly you don't walk into Starbucks and say hey, check out my boobs and ass and whatever else you could see. So why do people think their stylist needs/wants to see that?? I do not get paid what Jessica Simpson pays Ken Paves to follow her around. If I did I still wouldn't want to see her copy of Girls gone wild. THOSE ARE PRIVATE! I mean honestly she didn't tip me enough to have those shots in my memory bank. I wish I could actually delete specific memories with that zapper that they used in the Men in Black movies. Anway that is enough about Boobs, I will post more later about other crazy appts!

What's For Dinner? at 12:44 AM


Monday, September 11, 2006

MIL'S where do they get off!

Okay so between Kristin and I we have the separated at birth MIL's from hell. And yes, I said that out loud! They are rude, disrespectful and discipline our children when we are standing right there and are speaking to them. I have never been rude to her but on more occasions than I can count she has been unbelievably rude to me.

SO we are trying to get a jump on the holidays and plan Christmas, as it is always a hassle. We want it at our house this year so that the kids have more space and my widget 2 who is only 18 months can sleep in her own bed at naptime. DO NOT TOUCH, that is all they hear at her house. PUT THAT DOWN. We all are cramped into a small livingroom and nobody enjoys eachother's company. When it's at her house she is in charge, her food, her plan, her everything. She is a complete control freak. I break the rules every year by bringing a sweet potato pie for dinner, I can't help it I like it. But she doesn't want me to cook, she just wants to have everyone say she is fantastic at everything. But my husband and my FIL always ask me to go fix the gravy or do the vegetables. She makes liquidy whitish looking wholewheat gravy. It's awful!!!! And the vegetables fall apart when you try to fork them. Maybe I'm just picky but I want broccoli to still be green. Not just the water in the pot. I mean is that too much to ask. And then there is My family who are have enough food to feed a small country okay maybe a large country and it's incredible. We have a full dessert buffet, not just one pie or trifle. It's amazing.

So Timmy and I have decided that either she starts to respect us and our rules (we have alcohol at our house-she is vehemently opposed among other things!) or she gets asked to leave. Thank goodness I have a husband who supports me. We don't fight about her, we just try to avoid her but she WON'T leave. Two times last week she phoned and said "I just have to pop by for a minute" and she stayed over 2 hours each time. What is that about. I have tried everything to have her leave but to no avail. I am taking suggestions if you have any??? If I didn't love being around my family and where I live I would totally move, maybe to Hawaii, no I burn. Maybe to Europe, sure there are plenty of places to hide and she can't drive there and she won't spend the money to fly. Okay that's it, all those hiding from horrifyingly awful MIL's we are off to Europe. ALL ABOARD!

What's For Dinner? at 11:19 PM
